WELL a Happy New Year to you all, hope everyone enjoyed the Christmas break and I also sincerely hope all of your New Year’s resolutions have been broken by now. I hold no truck with resolutions, I’m useless at them, and I’m insanely jealous of anyone who can stick to theirs. Come, join me in failure!

And now to the guest blog – The lovely ladies at Beaut.ie have launched a new section of their site dedicated to online dating, helping to spread a little lurve in an otherwise very grey world. Being a bit of a veteran of the online world myself – it’s where I met Yer Man – I begged asked them to let me write a piece for them all about online dating, including my tips and Golden Rules. Amazingly, they agreed. Probably to prevent me hunting them down and turning up at the door on my hands and knees, weeping and wailing, but that’s not important right now. The important thing is that you can read it here

While you’re at it, subscribe to Beaut.ie, you won’t regret it. Many thanks again to Kirstie and Aphrodite who let me loose on their blog!

And now to The Countdown – it is 92 days to the wedding. Excuse me for a moment, won’t you?



How did that happen? How did it go from us being at the top of the Eiffel Tower looking at my sparkler saying ‘Ah sure we’ve loads of time, 2010 or 2011 will do’ to it now being 92 pigging days?

AND to add insult to injury, we’ve nothing done! You’d think with all the time we’ve had that we’d have it all sewn up by now, right? Nehhhhhhhhhhh, no cigar, wrong answer. Oh sure, we’ve booked a hotel and a dress and a band and all of that but there’s still PILES of niggly things that have to be done.

Like for example – meet the priest, finalise the readings and Gospel, pick our church music, hire church musicians, gather our church paperwork, write, address and send our invitations, sort out the suits, find flowergirl dresses, talk to the florist, have a make-up trial, write to the OPW and ask them for permission to get our photos taken in one of their old piles, pick our cake flavours with the baker, meet with the hotel to discuss prices, accommodation, menus, do a supplier ring around and make sure they’re all still in business and oh, a million other things.

The list, he goes on.

Of course, it’s not rocket science and none of it is insurmountable but now we have this big looming deadline to adhere to. Everything HAS to be done in 92 days, there’s no messing about. If we fuck this up, it’s all on our shoulders.

Excuse me for a moment, won’t you?

The pressure is very much on, the clock is ticking and I am freaking, ever so slightly, out.

Pic: http://www.deadline.com/tag/amptp/page/3/